The farm shop located in Chipping Norton, West Oxfordshire, has been closed for the winter months and has finally reopened on 1st March.
Even though the shop was temporarily closed, shoppers could still order products online.
The Diddly Squat Farm Shop is open from Wednesday to Sunday from 9.30 am until 4.30 pm.
The Farmer’s Dog Pub Shop is open from Wednesday to Friday from 10 am to 4pm and on Saturday and Sunday from 9.30 am until 4.30 pm.
‘The brainchild of Jeremy Clarkson’
The Diddly Squat Farm Shop explained that the shop was established in 2020 as the brainchild of Jeremy Clarkson after realising that potatoes did indeed grow well on his farm, and he had accidentally produced 40 tonnes of them.
From there, with his partner Lisa, he bought hives and began to produce and sell bee juice, along with apple juice and cow juice from a local dairy.
The website also reads: ‘The vegetables are from the garden, flour is from Jeremy’s wheat, which is sold to Sourdough Revolution for the fresh daily bread. The quality of the water, from a spring in the garden, is so good Nestlé originally wanted to buy the entire village water system of streams.’