July 8, 2024

Following the Detroit Lions’ first NFC North title, there have been a slew of fantastic videos. There’s Dan Campbell’s postgame address thanking the team’s veterans who have been through hell with this organization. Or Dan Miller’s game-winning interception call on Ifeatu Melifonwu. Alternatively, a collection of locker room celebration videos from players’ Instagram pages.

But, as usual, the greatest one came from the Detroit Lions’ official multimedia crew, One Pride Productions.

On Sunday night, they published a video titled “Build our Legacy now: Detroit Lions win team’s first NFC North title,” which is likely to make you cry or well up.

The video begins with a Lions team meeting on September 1, 2023, the first official day of the season. Campbell outlines the season’s goals in the behind-the-scenes film. We eventually return to Campbell approximately two-thirds of the way through the video as the editors intertwine snippets from the season—the ups, downs, and everything in between.

He instructs the entire team to spin around and face the wall. There, the Lions’ tumultuous history is displayed for all to see. There have been no playoff victories since 1992. There have been no division championships since 1993. There hasn’t been a league championship since 1957.

“We’re building our legacy right now,” Campbell remarked. “We are creating our legacy right now.” With this crew, we are in a unique situation. We’re able to do something that few teams can: we’re able to leave a legacy.”

One done. Two more to go.

This four-minute video is well worth your attention. Please bring tissues.

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