September 27, 2024


I’ll leave it there for now.

The documentary contains numerous bombshells and valuable new insights that, once the dust settles, will provide farmers with additional firepower in their own struggle against bovine tuberculosis. Every criticism directed against us is answerable. And, in order to reduce the film’s length from four hours to an hour, much had to be cut or simplified. For anyone interested in learning more or having a constructive discussion, we WILL be establishing “Save Me TB Management” – perhaps by holding informal seminars to teach interested farmers of their available options for breaking free from the everlasting suffering that present TB policies have delivered. Anyone who is satisfied with the current status does not need to join us!!!

Best wishes to everyone.

– Bri #TBFree


“Hello everyone,

I hope you are all doing well out there.

First and foremost, I am here to tell you good news. I believe the good news is that I can play guitar after the events of the last few days. I say this because there was some doubt because that little health hiccup that I mentioned happened about a week ago, and what they called it was a minor stroke, and all of a sudden — -out of nowhere – I didn’t have any control over this arm, which was a little scary. Frimley Hospital provided exceptional care and attention during my emergency. Very exciting!

I might send you a video if you want.

Brian on The One Sjopw 21/08/2024

I didn’t want to say anything at the moment because I didn’t want anything around me, you know. I genuinely do not want compassion. PLEASE DON’T DO THAT BECAUSE IT WILL Clutter MY INBOX, which I HATE.

So, good news: I’m fine. Simply doing what I’m told, which is essentially nothing. I’m grounded; I’m not allowed to go out; I’m not allowed to drive; I’m not allowed to board an aircraft; I’m not allowed to raise my heart rate excessively; and I’m not allowed to have planes fly overhead, which will stress me out. But I’m okay.

The other news is that our documentary has been very much on our minds, and we’ve had some great reactions from farmers in particular – and from wildlife people, of course, because we’re still in that corner – but the documentary was really about the farmers, as people discovered to their surprise, I believe, and it’s no surprise to me that we’re not at odds with the farmers. We are at odds with those who have been giving them incorrect information. which, excuse me, is the whole deal, and we’ve been heavily attacked from some parts, and you have to look very carefully, because the folks who are shouting the loudest are, of course, the ones who feel the most threatened.

So I’ll just leave you with that thinking.


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