September 20, 2024

Lewis Hamilton stumbled across a video of a young girl racer expressing her wish to become a Formula One driver like him. Not every hopeful young driver reaches the peak of motorsport. The seven-time champion did, however, provide some advice to the young female prospect.

Lewis Hamilton Gives Professional ‘Advice’ to Young Kid Who Aspires to Be Like Him

After watching the video, Hamilton highlighted its positive aspects and offered broad advice to anybody pursuing a dream, not just those in motorsport. He went on: “I love that she’s so focused, she knows exactly what she wants, and that she sounds like she’s not going to stop until she gets it and that’s really, no matter what it is that you’re passionate about, you’ve got to focus on it and just chase, chase, chase and that’s I think what she can do.”

He also emphasized the significance of education in developing a foundation in young individuals. The same foundation applies to work ethic and discipline, which assist an individual attain their goals.

Hamilton overcame all of his life’s adversities with a same work ethic. A young guy from Stevenage would not be on top of the F1 world unless he had a burning desire and determination to be an F1 driver.

His example has inspired countless people and continues to do so even today. The British charity is also teaching this philosophy to less privileged and marginalized populations. Women are the most underrepresented demographic in motorsport, hence this practice has caught hold. However, F1 is now making significant efforts to encourage women in motorsport.

How F1 Academy is opening the path for female racers
For the first time in its history, F1 launched an official female feeder series called the F1 Academy. The Academy, led by Susie Wolff, has one goal: to promote women in racing. Despite only racing on seven weekends in 2024, the series enjoys widespread popularity. The Academy has five teams of three drivers apiece.

What’s astonishing is that all ten F1 teams on the grid individually support and back the Academy’s many drivers. This backing and exposure has created several chances for female hopefuls, changing the perception of women in racing and leveling the playing field.

Several F1 Academy drivers, such Doriane Pin and Abbi Pulling, have shown a lot of promise in moving up the feeder series ladder to F1. Marta Garcia, the 2023 champion, is already competing in the Formula Regional European Championship, with Pin joining her as a teammate for a few rounds.

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