September 19, 2024

That was not the first time Bezos influenced O’Neal’s business decisions however. In 2022 the basketball Hall of Famer admitted he was “scared” off from making a bid to buy the Phoenix Suns after reading Bezos was also considering making an offer for the team.

O’Neal admitted at the time that he’d rather not compete against Bezos and any other “heavy hitters” who were eyeing the Suns, who were ultimately sold to billionaire Matt Isbhia.



“I heard Jeff Bezos say, if you invest in things that’s going to change people’s lives, you’ll always get a great return on your investment,” O’Neal said. “But this particular investment is not about great return because I feel that everyone should have access to world-class education.”


Shaquille O’Neal reveals business secret Amazon founder Jeff Bezos told him that earned NBA star millions

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