September 19, 2024

Elvis Presley with his parents Vernon and Gladys in 1961

Vernon and Gladys Presley, Elvis Presley’s parents, were by his side when he rose to prominence as a musician worldwide.

His parents, Vernon and Gladys, as well as his wife, Priscilla Presley, and daughter, Lisa Marie, spent the most of their life with him at Graceland. Other family members, including Elvis’ grandmother, aunts, uncles, and cousins, lived on the land at different times.

Family was also crucial to his professional life. Vernon, along with Elvis’ manager, Col. Tom Parker, handled the singer’s business affairs and accompanied him on tour. Unfortunately, Gladys did not get to experience much of Elvis’ stardom; she died in 1958, when Elvis was only 23 and enlisted in the Army.

But, who are Vernon and Gladys Presley? Read on to read about their humble beginnings, life in Graceland, and strong relationship with their son.

Elvis Presley and his parents, Vernon and Gladys Presley, met when they were very young, around 1958

Elvis Presley with his parents Vernon and Gladys in 1961
Gladys was born on April 25, 1912, in Pontotoc County, Mississippi; Vernon was born on April 10, 1916, in Fulton, Mississippi.

Vernon was just 17 years old when he met Gladys, who was 21. Even though they fell in love instantly, the pair could not legally marry because Vernon was underage. He lied to the court, claiming he was 18, and they married in 1933.

“At that time, there was almost nobody poorer than my wife Gladys and me,” Vernon told Good Housekeeping in 1978. “But we were thrilled and excited when we learned that we were going to be parents.”

Gladys gave birth to twin boys, Jesse Garon and Elvis Aaron Presley, on January 8, 1935. Elvis was a healthy baby, but Jesse was stillborn.

“I was desolate at the loss of our child,” Vernon told Good Housekeeping. “But then my father placed his hand on my wife’s stomach and said, ‘Vernon, there’s another baby here?'” At the time Elvis was born, medicine had not advanced far enough for a doctor to foresee twins, so his presence caught us completely off guard.”

The young family lives in poverty.

While Gladys was at home caring for infant Elvis, Vernon did odd jobs to make ends meet, but the family struggled. Vernon was sentenced to eight months in jail in 1938 after being found guilty of falsifying a cheque.

According to Graceland’s website, the Presleys’ financial struggles influenced Elvis’ decision to pursue music. Gladys urged him to take a guitar instead of a bicycle, which his family couldn’t afford. Elvis’ promise as a singer and the prospect of better chances in a larger city prompted the family to relocate to Memphis, Tennessee, in 1948, with so few goods that they all fit into their 1939 Dodge, according to The Washington Post.

Elvis’ first recording was a gift to Gladys.
Elvis Presley with his parents Vernon and Gladys in 1956
Long before he became famous, a youthful Elvis gave his mother a gift: he went to Memphis Recording Service and recorded two songs. It cost approximately $4. Sun Records was drawn to his songs “My Happiness” and “That’s When Your Heartaches Begin,” which launched his career.

Vernon guided Elvis’ commercial ventures.
Elvis Presley with his father, Vernon Presley, in 1970
Elvis Presley and his father, Vernon Presley, in 1970
Elvis’ first recording contract came from Sun Records in 1954. Vernon became his valued counsel, accompanying his son on tour and managing Elvis’ business alongside his manager, Col. Tom Parker.

Vernon received $75,000 a year (approximately $350,000 today) to manage Elvis’ affairs during his final years.

The family lived in Graceland.
Elvis Presley with his parents, Gladys and Vernon.
Elvis Presley with his parents Gladys and Vernon
Elvis usually avoided public appearances outside of concerts because his followers would always find him. Instead, Elvis wanted to keep those he loved about with him at his Memphis house, which he purchased when he was 22. Vernon, Gladys, and other family members resided there for many years, and when Priscilla was 17, she relocated to Memphis to live with the singer.

Not everything was in harmony, however. Elvis had a legendary temper, and he and Priscilla separated in 1972.

“If he saw someone he didn’t like on television, he’d get his gun and blow it up,” Priscilla told PEOPLE in 2021. “Then he would tell his daddy to go get another TV.”

Gladys died at age 46.
Elvis Presley with his parents, Vernon and Gladys Presley.
Elvis Presley with his parents, Vernon and Gladys Presley
Elvis was recruited into the United States Army in 1957. Gladys became unwell after only five months of duty. Her son was allowed leave to accompany her, and she died of cardiac arrest two days later, on August 14, 1958.

“It broke my heart,” Elvis stated at the time, according to the Associated Press. “She was always my best girl.”

Two years later, Vernon remarried, this time to Dee Presley. Until their separation, the pair lived in a residence on Graceland’s grounds. They formalized their divorce in 1977.

Vernon died at age 63.
Elvis Presley and his father, Vernon Presley, at a news conference after his first performance at the International Hotel in 1969
Elvis Presley and his father Vernon Presley during a press conference after his first performance at the International Hotel in 1969
Vernon took over all of Graceland’s business affairs following Elvis’ death in 1977, but the home remained private. Elvis’ grandmother, Minnie Mae Presley, still resided on the farm with his aunt, Delta Mae Biggs, as her caretaker, and they tried to keep things as close to how they were when Elvis was alive.

Vernon died after a deadly heart attack on June 26, 1979.

The family is buried together in Graceland.
Minnie Mae Presley, Elvis Presley, Vernon Presley and Gladys Presley's burial sites in 'Meditation Garden' at Graceland
Elvis was placed in a Memphis cemetery near Gladys, but after criminals tried to kidnap and ransom his bones, Vernon had the two returned to Graceland and buried in the Meditation Garden Elvis built on the property in 1964. Vernon was also laid to rest in the garden after his death.

In recent years, Lisa Marie Presley, Elvis’ only daughter, and her son Benjamin Keough were interred alongside the family. Lisa Marie died of cardiac arrest on January 12, 2023, while Benjamin committed suicide on July 12, 2020.

After Lisa Marie died, Priscilla filed a lawsuit against her daughter and executor, Riley Keough. According to the arrangement, Priscilla will also be buried in Graceland’s Meditation Garden.

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