September 18, 2024

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The Wimberley Players will stage Jack Wright’s touring production of “Neil Diamond Superstar” on Tuesday and Wednesday, September 17 and 18, at the Wimberley Playhouse. This musical tribute celebrates the artist’s five-decade career, taking spectators on a trip through heartbreaking ballads and high-energy rock songs to present a show unlike any other.

Produced by Jack Wright, this tribute is the antithesis of Vegas-style mimicry, providing a respectful and honest depiction of Neil Diamond’s life and music. The program offers audience participation, narration, song explanations, and nostalgic hits, all accompanied by multimedia graphics.

Tickets cost $40. Group pricing are available. To purchase tickets, go to

The Wimberley Playhouse is located at 450 Old Kyle Rd., approximately east of Wimberley Square.

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