September 18, 2024

Man sang 'Sweet Caroline' in pub hours after murdering girlfriend with same name

A callous killer who sang along to ‘Sweet Caroline’ in the pub just hours after murdering his girlfriend of the same name has been jailed for life.

David Liptrot, 56, took cocaine during the drinking session before joining locals at partner Caroline Gore’s local to belt out the Neil Diamond classic last October.

During his sick singalong at the Dog and Partridge pub in Wigan, Greater Manchester, Liptrot bragged to another punter: ‘I’ve killed Caroline.’

The 43-year-old was found lying dead in her bathroom after regulars worried by Liptrot’s behaviour called police when they were not able to reach her.

Manchester Crown Court heard Liptrot had a huge list of previous convictions, with a history of domestic violence against Ms Gore and other previous partners.

He was given a restraining order against her in October 2022, which he breached twice before killing her a year later.

On the night of the murder, October 29, Liptrot joined Ms Gore at the Wheatsheaf pub in Atherton at 3.50pm for some drinks, but she soon became upset and started crying.

There was another row at around 5pm, when Ms Gore tried to get away from him.

While Ms Gore later made her way to the Dog and Partridge, Liptrot went to her flat at Douglas House at around 8pm.

He lay in wait until she came home just after 11pm. He left within 17 minutes of her getting home.

David Liptrot has been jailed
David Liptrot was jailed for life with a minimum term of 20 years

She was left dying with neck, chest and abdomen wounds before Liptrot switched off the lights, left the flat, and dumped both their mobile phones along with the murder weapon and his clothing.

Liptrot, who admitted manslaughter but denied murder, was found guilty by the jury after just 90 minutes’ deliberations and jailed for at least 20 years.

Judge Suzanne Goddard KC told him: ‘Experience has shown women do not find it easy to break away from a man they love even though he may have treated them violently.

‘In this case Caroline was vulnerable and defenceless and you subjected her to a brutal sustained and forceful attack.

‘Callously you then spent the next day socialising in pubs, drinking and taking cocaine and even singing the song Sweet Caroline which sickened one witness whom you told that you had killed Caroline Gore.

‘He was incredulous and concerned about what you had told him and informed the landlady who whilst dubious as to whether he was telling the truth tried to speak to you.

‘As the evening wore on, your behaviour began to worry her and other staff members tried to contact Caroline Gore to no avail.

A jury took just 90 minutes to convict a brute with a history of attacking his partner with murder - after he stabbed her to death on the toilet. David Liptrot, 56, had pleaded not guilty to the murder of his partner Caroline Gore, 43, a cleaner from Wigan. But following a two-week trial a jury took just 90 minutes to find him guilty. Members of her family shouted 'yes' in the public gallery at Manchester Crown Court today (Tuesday). Liptrot, from Chorley in Lancashire, showed no reaction when the foreman of the jury announced the verdict.
A jury took just 90 minutes to convict Liptrot of the murder of his partner Caroline Gore 

‘Your behaviour in the pub knowing as you must have done that Caroline Gore was dead in her flat was callous and shows the hollowness of your protestations in your evidence that you truly loved her.’

After the hearing Caroline’s family said: ‘Liptrot was a gutter rat and was awful to her. He gave her a dog’s life, she was vulnerable and he preyed on that.

‘Caroline would do anything for anybody. If you were a friends of hers, she would look after you.

‘We just hope Liprot rots now. He will have to live with this for the rest of his life and we hope he suffers daily.’


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