June 29, 2024

LeBron James looking on

If the Los Angeles Lakers want to compete for a title next season, they must find a way to make significant roster upgrades this offseason, and LeBron James and Anthony Davis are allegedly hoping the team does so.

James has until Saturday to decide whether to exercise his $51.4 million player option for the upcoming season or become a free agency. The NBA Draft will take place on Thursday and Friday, so LeBron may wait and see what happens first. He may also try to use the timeline as leverage.

According to Sam Amick of The Athletic, James and Anthony Davis want the Lakers to use the NBA Draft to make a big statement. The two superstars are said to be hopeful that their squad will “prove their desire to win this week by going all-in for another elite player.”

It is widely assumed that James will stay with the Lakers, whether he exercises his player option or signs a new contract. However, Amick reports that LeBron has not given the team any indication of his intentions.

Despite continuing to play at a very high level last season, LeBron will turn 40 in December. The Lakers must be careful not to make too many long-term decisions based on the four-time NBA MVP’s demands, as James may not be around for long. Davis, on the other hand, is just 31. If he puts pressure on the Lakers to sign another star player, that may have enormous consequences.

One rival executive recently stated that the Lakers had a dream target in mind for the offseason. L.A. can trade up to three first-round picks before to the NBA Draft, so it will be intriguing to watch if they make any major moves.

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