September 28, 2024

Carey Price has done a lot for the Montreal Canadiens over his career.

He carried the club on his shoulders for a long time until his body could no longer bear it.

Price had knee surgery after losing in the Grand Final in 2021, which appears to be the cause of his retirement, though it has not yet been officially announced.

Following this humiliating defeat, Price relapsed into alcoholism and had to seek help because it had become detrimental to his daily life.

Price was a guest on Brantt Myhres’ Unhammered Podcast, where he discussed his two years of sobriety. Myhres is a former NHL player and ex-alcoholic.

First and foremost, congratulations to Carey Price on his two-year alcohol-free streak. An accomplishment better than everything he has achieved in his career.

Second, I encourage you to listen to the entire episode of this podcast, which is more than interesting.

What you should know about Myhres is that he received a lifetime ban in 2006 after failing four drug tests.

Since then, his life has taken a 180° turn, and he shares his experiences with some of his guests.

Price decided to speak openly about his recovery and the actions he had to take to stop drinking.

“You pass through several stages… Everybody around you is drinking and having a fantastic time. You develop new habits. When fishing, you drink beer. When you go camping, you bring a cooler. When you play golf, everything is on the cart. All of these phenomena require fresh approaches.” – Carey Price

As said in the interview, his issue with alcohol did not begin during his goalkeeping career, but rather as a result of his playing career and elimination in the finals.

His knee surgery also contributed significantly to this difficulty.

Price enrolled in the NHL’s help program in October 2021, before it became too much.

General manager Marc Bergevin, along with the rest of the team, always supported Price’s actions.

He and Bergevin engaged in a lengthy, intense discussion.

Price insisted on keeping the conversation private, but everything spoken came from the heart.

His knee injury was excruciatingly painful, but Price claimed he had no difficulty taking pain medication and was always in charge.

Now that he’s clean, Price lives life to the fullest and can appreciate the simple joys of life, such as spending time with his family.

He cooks breakfast for his children and wife in the morning instead of waking up the next day.

Price also claims he no longer feels social pressure to drink when out with pals.

He continues to spend time with them and enjoys himself.

“I’m to the stage where I tell them, ‘Do anything you want. Do not worry about me.” “My friends only want to spend time with me.” – Carey Price

Those are some great friends.

I invite you to listen to the complete interview between Price and Myhres; it is well worth it.

Congratulations again on Price’s two years of sobriety.

In addition to Ekblad and Bobrovsky’s absence from Panthers training, Nugent-Hopkins also missed it.

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