July 3, 2024

The Canadiens suffered a 7-4 loss to the Tampa Bay Lightning last night. It wasn’t an easy game for Martin St-Louis’ team, who were up against a major club on the opposite side.

We’ll get back to what caused the loss, but the main line is that the Canadiens will not be in the playoffs.

It’s not surprising, of course, because no one – or practically no one – believed it this season, but the spring dance is coming to an end for the Habs for the third time in a row.

Of course, you can say “next year, the Habs must aim for the playoffs” or any other cliché of that nature. However, the next playoff race is a long way off. Actually, it’s a year away. #Mathematics101

Between now and then, the Habs will need to make progress with both their current roster and possible recruits.

Martin St-Louis has little influence over the tools his bosses will offer him to help the Habs return to the playoffs. That said, he has control over the development of the players he has on hand.

And that begins at the end of the season.

Even if the Habs are eliminated, Martin St-Louis refuses to consider it a funeral for his team. He wants to see it as a celebration of life.

As the season comes to a close, it’s all about mentality.
Last season, the Canadiens finished poorly. Fan enthusiasm was low, and the product on the ice was not particularly impressive.

Will things be different this year? We will see.

Aside from the fact that the Habs have been eliminated, what should we take away from yesterday’s setback at the Bell Centre to Martin St-Louis’ former team?

Because yeah, there is a lot to remember.

1. Cayden Primeau did not play particularly well. He allowed six goals (one in an empty net) on 34 shots, which affects statistics. He’s not in good form for April’s Molson Cup. #Constance

He allowed four goals in the second period, and Martin St-Louis considered finishing the game with Samuel Montembeault. However, the fact that the Lightning had to start the third period on a power play persuaded the coach not to change goaltenders.

He believed that the problem wasn’t always in front of the net (he didn’t claim Primeau was good, but that his goalie wasn’t the only one to blame for the disastrous second period), and he wanted to give Primeau a chance to recover.

In the third period, Primeau gave nothing away, and the Habs scored twice, bringing the score from 6-2 to 6-4.

2. Cole Caufield discovered another way to score a goal. He’s been shooting a lot this year and hasn’t always had the best goal-scoring luck, but he did score yesterday. He’s now scored 22 goals.

Juraj Slafkovsky scored and assisted. Nick Suzuki also scored an assist.

3. Joel Armia scored twice. He currently has 16 goals, tying his NHL single-season high. Who would have put $2 on that at the beginning of the season?

His perseverance has won him a Bill-Masterton nomination from the Canadiens. And deservedly so.
4. Matt Tomkins, the Lightning’s goaltender yesterday, has two NHL victories. The first occurred last November, in his third NHL game. The second arrived yesterday.

Both occasions, at the Bell Centre.

5. Yesterday’s game demonstrated that it is time for referees to accept responsibility for their decisions. They do not explain themselves publicly, resulting in games like yesterday.

Those who witnessed it knew that it was commonplace.

The fact that Nikita Kucherov was not punished for his actions against Kaiden Guhle, who was tackled at the start of the game and never returned, has been the talk of the town.

Guhle’s condition is still unknown, as he did not play after colliding with the Lightning forward.

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