July 8, 2024

Max Verstappen, unlike Lewis Hamilton and Fernando Alonso, is expected to retire from Formula One racing in his late 30s, according to David Coulthard.

Verstappen’s 2023 season was statistically one of the most dominant in F1 history, with 19 wins, including a streak of ten consecutive victories on his path to his third world championship.

The Dutchman also joined a select group of five drivers, including Hamilton, Sebastian Vettel, Michael Schumacher, and Juan Manuel Fangio, who have won three successive world titles.

Verstappen’s success in the 2022 and 2023 title campaigns has helped him become the third most successful F1 driver in terms of race victories, with 54. Schumacher is the second most successful, with 91 wins, while Hamilton now holds the record for the most Formula One victories, with 103.

“He arrived in a blaze of potential, won his first Grand Prix for Red Bull, had a few learnings along the way, which is inevitable irrespective whether you are a Senna, Schumacher, Verstappen or a Hamilton [but] he’s rounded off into the complete package,” said Coulthard in an exclusive interview with Total-Motors

“So [at] 26 years old, arguably, he’s got at least another good five years in him, whereas some individuals burn out early.

“I believe Sebastian Vettel may be an example of this. He [put on some] truly outstanding performances in the early stages of his career. Then, I believe he was simply a good racing driver near the conclusion of his career; these are just opinions, but they are supported by his colleagues’ relative success.

“I believe Max will be a powerhouse in Formula One for as long as he wants to be. Do I see him still competing in Formula One at 39, or whatever age Lewis is now? Personally, I do not.

“Then again, I’m not the fountain of all information or the greatest predictor, but I believe he’s simply been so focused on getting to Formula 1 and succeeding in Formula 1 from such a young and intensive period of his life.

“I would be surprised if he doesn’t, sooner rather than later, decide that he’s had his fill and that there’s a lot of other things he would like to discover in life.”

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