July 5, 2024

In preparation for his planned treatment for an enlarged prostate, which Buckingham Palace announced last week, Britain’s King Charles III was admitted on Friday to a private hospital in London. According to the palace, the monarch is “delighted to learn that his diagnosis is having a positive impact on public health awareness.” On Friday, the palace reiterated that the ailment is benign.

“His Majesty would like to thank all those who have sent their good wishes over the past week,” the palace said.

The king’s condition was not expected to change, and it was unknown how long he would stay in the hospital or miss work while recovering.

The first statement from Buckingham Palace following the announcement of the unnamed “corrective procedure” last week read, “The King has sought treatment for an enlarged prostate, in common with thousands of men each year.” According to the statement, his public appearances would “be postponed for a short period of recuperation.”

Following an undisclosed stomach operation last week, Kate, the Princess of Wales, his daughter-in-law, has been receiving treatment at the same private clinic where Charles was treated.

At the age of 74, Charles was crowned last year, having inherited the throne following the demise of his mother, Queen Elizabeth II. It is widely believed that he was in good health. According to The Associated Press, he had a non-cancerous tumor removed off his face in 2008.

According to Britain’s National Health Service, about one in three men may experience some problems with prostate enlargement at some point in their lives, and the ailment is frequently linked to aging.

“It’s not known why the prostate gets bigger as you get older, but it is not caused by cancer and does not increase your risk of developing prostate cancer,” according to the National Health Service’s website.




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